Second-Hand Openers - Closers - Envelope counters NEOPOST / ASCOM. Capable of processing up to 20,000 envelopes/hour.
Station collators for making magazines and books. PLOCKMATIC, UCHIDA.
IDEAL / EBA paper cutters and NEOLT roller cutters for plotters, plans and vinyls.
Continuous paper cutter and separator HEFTER SYSTEM FORM.
Document Shredders IDEAL, EBA, HSM.
Neopost Printer for envelopes
Binding machines. Wire - O, hot melt binder, thermo binder, electric spiral binder machine.
Inserter and folder inserter NEOPOST and PITNEY BOWES. Second hand inserter and exhibition.
Franking Machines NEOPOST.
Electric staplers, large capacity and manual RAPID, SCREBBA, MAX.
Paper Guillotine IDEAL, EBA. Manual, electric, semi-automatic guillotine. Secon-hand cutter.
Cuchillas, cuadradillos y accesorios para guillotinas Ideal
Laminating, embossing machines for plastic reels.
Folding and stapling machine. PLOCKMATIC, HORIZONT, IDEAL, UCHIDA and NAGEL for the preparation of magazines and catalogs.
Friction and suction paper folder IDEAL, NEOPOST, PITNEY BOWES, HORIZONT, MULTIGRAF.
Pressure sealer folding machine. NEOPOST, BOW, POSTMATE, FORMATEC.
Electric and manual paper drill. UCHIDA and NAGEL.
Plegadora de fricción automática A4, para un plegado profesional y preciso en la oficina, copistería, imprenta… 7.000 ciclos/h.. contador digital de cuatro dígitos y pantalla LED. Ajuste con mando de selección rápida para el tipo de plegado (díptico, Z, tríptico envolvente y doble paralelo). Ofrece paro automático al finalizar el trabajo.
With this cardboard perforator you can turn used cardboard boxes into packaging material in just one step. This is a flexible and mobile desktop device. "Made in Germany". The powerful AC motor enables continuous operation. Easy to use thanks to the rocker switch for on/off and reverse.
Renting: 32,63 € /month